I believe I am a great candidate for the Board of Education because I love people - all people.

I am thoughtful in listening to concerns, engaging in conversation, and in collaboratively coming up with creative and effective solutions when issues arise. Hopefully the care for our school community that I can offer is something in which we can all agree, but should we ever disagree, I owe you a conversation. At times, there seems to be a lot of back and forth between “sides” which can hinder productive discussion. As an open-minded individual who can see many aspects of an issue, I believe that I can be a bridge to help our community come together in the goal that unites us all- We all just want the very best for our children.

A photograph of Erica with 8 cubscouts

To truly know me and what I stand for, you must first know where my heart is. My faith is who I am and my guiding force. I call it God, but you might call it Love. This Love is what drives me to service of others, what calls me to stand up for what is right and what motivates my very nature. 

I once heard someone say that our schools should be a place to learn but not a place to be cared for. I respectfully disagree. When I look back on my school years, what stands out most is not what I learned from books, although that was also important. What stands out are the teachers and staff who really cared- the ones who believed in me, the ones who shared a piece of their life with me, the ones who showed up in my life. Education is important for success in life but at the end of the day, it’s the people we meet and the relationships we build that truly give our life meaning.

Our children are in school for over a thousand hours per year. From Kindergarten through 12th grade, time spent with teachers amounts to roughly 14,040 hours or 585 full days of their life. As a parent, I expect that my child will learn their ABCs and 123s but I also expect that they will learn to share with one another, to treat each other with respect, to listen to each other, to keep an open mind, to become a good and decent human being. That is a lot to expect from our teachers but I truly believe that the care they bring to our children makes all the difference.

I am very qualified and perfectly suited for a seat on the Board of Education for Anne Arundel County Public Schools. I will work hard to help make our AACPS community a place where we can all work together for our children- our future. But I cannot do it alone. I ask that our community come together in support of our children. Will you join me?